Chinese year 2052
This year, 2052, chinese zodiac sign is Black Water Monkey (yes, it's looking on you from the table of contents, do u like it? :))
Like the Monkey:Chinese New Year date is 01 February 2052, next year starts at 19 February 2053
For a person, born in the year of Monkey, life – is a big game. He’s deft, fast and smart, and plays only by his own rules... More about chinese monkey zodiac personality.
Years of Monkey
Other colors, other elements, but still the same animal - monkey. Explore this years table, and find out what chinese year am i, you, your friends and parents:
Years of Monkey:
Love compatibility for Monkey
Do you match him/her? Chinese astrology provides special horoscopes, according to your birth year. This horoscopes help people to check their compatibility. Not only in love - in work, business, friendship and many other life aspects too.
Find the animal, that you're interested in, and tipe on the box. And may the luck be with you.
And don't be upset, if you're not compatible with your couple - check your compatibility in western horoscope. Zodiac sign horoscope is sometimes more accurate, then the chinese zodiac.
Lucky numbers, colors and flowers for Monkey
According to chinese astrology traditions - lucky numbers bring fortune, and unlucky can cause troubles and adverse events in life. Buying a lottery ticket, or choosing a date for wedding - pay attention to numbers.
Good luck
Lucky numbers for Monkey sign are:
Bad luck
Unlucky numbers for Monkey sign are:
Lucky colors for Monkey sign are:
Unlucky colors for Monkey sign are:
In western traditions there is lucky gem fo every zodiac sign. In chinese astrology there is a similar tradition - each chinese zodiac sign has it's own lucky flowers. When choosing flowers for those, who were born in the year of Monkey, choose this one:
Crape Myrtle